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Anti - Wrinkle (Botox)
Anti-Wrinkle Injections are a simple, safe, and effective way to eliminate unwanted facial lines and deep wrinkles whilst giving the skin a tighter, youthful appearance.

With both age and repetitive muscle movement, lines settle into the face and are visible even at rest, It’s these static, 24/7 lines that can make your face look tired and fatigued and are the first signs of ageing skin.
Anti Wrinkle works to relax facial muscles making lines and wrinkles, such as , crow's feet and frown lines, less obvious resulting in a softer, younger and more rejuvenated appearance.
Soften & Prevent
Anti-Wrinkle Injectables can be used as a preventative measure to help soften the expression lines that form when your face moves and put the formation of future lines on pause.
How Does Anti Wrinkle Work?
The botulinum toxin type A works by blocking the transport of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine across the neuromuscular junction, located between the nerve end and the muscle fibre. The action results in stopping the contraction of the targeted muscles.
Is anti-wrinkle injections the same as Botox?
The short answer is, they're the same: there's no difference between saying 'anti-wrinkle injections' and Botox. Botox is simply a brand name for a type of anti-wrinkle, which have competing brands on the market like most other products.
How long do anti-wrinkle injections last?
Are Anti-wrinkle injections permanent? Botox is temporary and lasts 3-6 months. This time frame is affected by your activity level, metabolism, and degree of current muscular activities.
Are there any contra indications?
Patients taking aminoglycoside antibiotics or anticoagulants should not be treated with botulinum toxins.
Also patients who have a neuromuscular condition or have an allergy to lactose. ( Type B or our fasting actong product can be used as contains no lactose)
What age should I start Anti Wrinkle?
Anti wrinkle is ideally started in the late 20’s and early 30s as a preventative however can be used in the later stages of skin ageing to soften static lines and wrinkles.
Is there any downtime?
Anti Wrinkle can come with a little bruising if the superficial veins are disrupted during treatment, these usually healed 3-7 days post treatment.
Women’s Pricing
1 Area £110 ( 0-25 units)
2 Area’s £140 (25- 80 units)
3 Area’s £180 (80- 110 units)
Men’s Pricing*
1 Area £150 ( 0-60 units)
2 Area’s £200 (60- 110 units)
3 Area’s £220 (110-200 units)
*Men often require double the amount of units per singular area to what women require due to the muscle movement.

Fast Acting Longer lasting Anti- Wrinkle
What is Alluzience?
The Most Advanced Botulinum Toxin in the UK new wrinkle-relaxing injection launched by Galderma (the world’s largest independent dermatology company). This innovative injection, which is the very first ready-to-use liquid neurotoxin in the UK Alluzience allows for more precision with safe dosage accuracy because it doesn’t require any mixing or dilution .
It is also free from human and animal-derived proteins such as human serum albumin and lactose because it is produced with novel production technologies.
Unlike other standard botulinum toxin which take about 7-14 days to have visible effects, Alluzience kick-starts work as soon as 24 hours after injection. For the lasting span, Alluzience lasts up to 6 months before you would be due for another session. This is another benefit it has over other botulinum toxins, as they last only three to four months before another session.
Alluzience Pricing
1 Area £140 ( 0-25 units)
2 Area’s £180 (25- 80 units)
3 Area’s £220 (80- 110 units)