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Laser Fungal Nail Removal
Nail fungus is a common condition estimated to affect 1 in 10 people, It can cause finger and toe nails to become yellow, green, black or discoloured. As the infection advances the nail can become thick, brittle and separate from the nail bed. It can also cause pain when wearing shoes or walking and is highly contagious.

My ND Yag Laser emits pulses of energy into the nail to destroy nail fungus for good.
I use 2 different laser wavelenghs, one to firstly penetrate through the nail to the nail bed where the fungus lives, thrives and spreads heating up the skin tissue and destroying the infection while the second pulse physically blasts spores off the nail surface to heal and destroy the infection.
In addition to killing the fungal organisms, the non-ablative energy also heats up the skin tissue, without destroying or damgaging it. This in result kick-starts natural healing processes. The nail will heal and return to normal with steady improvement. Without any living fungus, you don’t have to worry about symptoms spreading to other toes and fingers or being infectious to those around you. Eliminating the cause is the first step, then your body is free to heal and rejuvenate without risk of reinfection.

Does it hurt?
No the client may feel some heat over the nail during the treatment.
How many treatments will I need?
The treatment is a course of two. A second treatment one month after their first treatment is essential ensure the fungus has been successfully destroyed.
Continued treatments can be repeated every 4 weeks if needed however 2 session are usually sufficient to kill the fungus.
How long does the treatment take?
Around 15- 30 minutes for toe nails or finger nails
Pre-treatment advice
If the fungal infection has been present fo a while it usually corrupts the nail making it very thick if this is the case I advise clients to with a new nail file to thin the nail out so the lasers can penetrate the nail effectively.
If treating toe nails please bring a clean pair of socks to your appointments to put on after treatment as wearing the same socks can re infect the toenail. I also advise purchasing the Clinicsept Fungal nail spray to keep the nails clean and sterlie post treatment and the Sholl anti fungal shoe spray foe toe nail infections.
Treatment Pricing
Toes Nails or Finger Nails £60.00 Per Session
(£120 for treatment course)